Re: Upload a large file without oom with Grizzly

From: Ryan Lubke <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:51:42 -0700

Yes, something like that. I was going to tackle adding something like
this today. I'll follow up with something you can test out.

Sébastien Lorber wrote:
> Ok thanks!
> I think I see what I could do, probably something like that:
> FeedableBodyGenerator bodyGenerator = new FeedableBodyGenerator();
> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder bodyGeneratorFeeder = new
> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder(bodyGenerator);
> Request uploadRequest1 = new RequestBuilder("POST")
> .setUrl("url")
> .setBody(bodyGenerator)
> .build();
> ListenableFuture<Response> asyncRes = asyncHttpClient
> .prepareRequest(uploadRequest1)
> .execute(new AsyncCompletionHandlerBase());
> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("param1","value1");
> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("param2","value2");
> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("fileToUpload",fileInputStream);
> bodyGeneratorFeeder.end();
> Response uploadResponse = asyncRes.get();
> Does it seem ok to you?
> I guess it could be interesting to provide that
> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder class to AHC or Grizzly since some other
> people may want to achieve the same thing
> 2013/8/26 Ryan Lubke <
> <>>
> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if it's possible to upload a file with
> AHC / Grizzly in streaming, I mean without loading the whole
> file bytes in memory.
> The default behavior seems to allocate a byte[] which contans
> the whole file, so it means that my server can be OOM if too
> many users upload a large file in the same time.
> I've tryied with a Heap and ByteBuffer memory managers, with
> reallocate=true/false but no more success.
> It seems the whole file content is appended wto the
> BufferOutputStream, and then the underlying buffer is written.
> At least this seems to be the case with AHC integration:
> So, is there a way to patch AHC to stream the file so that I
> could eventually consume only 20mo of heap while uploading a
> 500mo file?
> Or is this simply impossible with Grizzly?
> I didn't notice anything related to that in the documentation.
> It's possible with the FeedableBodyGenerator. But if you're tied
> to using Multipart uploads, you'd have to convert the multipart
> data to Buffers manually and send using the FeedableBodyGenerator.
> I'll take a closer look to see if this area can be improved.
> Btw in my case it is a file upload. I receive a file with CXF
> and have to transmit it to a storage server (like S3). CXF
> doesn't consume memory bevause it is streaming the large fle
> uploads to the file system, and then provides an input stream
> on that file.
> Thanks