Re: Grizzly with SSL

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:35:15 +0200

Hi Sabyasachi,

from the first look everything is fine.
Do you see any exceptions in the server trace? Try to chose another
port, may be it's some permissions issue, that you can't use port 443
or so.

If it won't help - can you pls. send a simple test class with the key
files - I'll check it.



On Aug 11, 2010, at 13:36 , Sabyasachi Biswas wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to build a SOAP Message Routing server with
> Grizzly. Everything was working fine when I was
> using http to access the server. But, since I have started using the
> server in the secure mode, clients are receiving 'Connection Refused
> Error'.
> Even static resources are not found with https , but those can be
> found with http on the default port.
> My code looks like this:
> GrizzlyWebServer grizzlyWebServer=new
> GrizzlyWebServer(443,WEB_APP_ROOT,true);
> SSLConfig sslConfig=new SSLConfig();
> sslConfig.setKeyStoreFile("-Path-");
> sslConfig.setKeyStorePass("****");
> sslConfig.setTrustStoreFile("-Path-");
> sslConfig.setTrustStorePass("**");
> sslConfig.validateConfiguration();
> grizzlyWebServer.setSSLConfig(sslConfig);
> //server settings
> grizzlyWebServer.enableProtocol(GrizzlyWebServer.PROTOCOL.HTTP);
> grizzlyWebServer.setCoreThreads(CORE_THREADS);
> grizzlyWebServer.setMaxThreads(MAX_THREADS);
> SOAPMessageAdapter adapter=new SOAPMessageAdapter(WEB_APP_ROOT);
> adapter.setHandleStaticResources(true);
> grizzlyWebServer.addGrizzlyAdapter(adapter,new String[]{"/
> esbgateway"});
> grizzlyWebServer.start();
> SOAPMessageAdapter extends the GrizzlyAdapter.
> With this construction https connection is not working , please can
> you let me know what am I missing?
> Regards,
> Sabyasachi.