Find the current queue size of a GrizzlyResponse?

From: Jonathan Kaplan <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 16:29:16 -0700


I am trying to write a very simple motion JPEG server: one user POSTs JPEG
images, and those images get distributed to everyone who has made a
long-running GET request. I initially tried using Glassfish and Atmosphere,
but ran into some issues [1]. Now I am looking at a pure Grizzly 2.0 version
based on the Grizzly http server.

The one problem I have is figuring out if a client is getting behind. If a
client isn't reading data quickly enough, I would like to skip sending
frames to them. Looking at GrizzlyResponse, it looks like I can get the
current GrizzlyOutputBuffer, but I don't see a way to figure out how full
that buffer is. Is there a way to do this? The only thing I can see is to
add a method to GrizzlyOuputBuffer to return bb.getLength(). I'm assuming
that if the output buffer for a client is large, that client is behind and
should be skipped.


[1] I wrote a very simple atmosphere handler linked below. The problem is
that with asynchronous writers enabled, the client never gets more that
about 12k of data. The bug seems to be around line 275 of
SelectorHandlerRunner -- the Catalina Response object implements
SelectedKeyAttachmentLogic without actually writing data, so the "return
true" means the data is never written. Even with that issue worked around
(by commenting out the return) I still have the same issue as above with
clients getting behind.