Grizzly Project Meeting contact updates

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 10:06:00 -0400

As I mentioned last week, we need to switch to a new conference call
number as part of the Oracle infrastructure switch over. I have that
new number set up and Alexey and I verified it this morning so we're
going to try switching over this week. The conference call ID is
2711931. When you dial in, you'll need to enter a security passcode but
that'll just be 1234 until further notice. To find the number you need
to dial, please consult this list: You should be
able to find something local to your location to dial in with. If
you're in the US, the top two numbers are what you want.

Hopefully, we'll "see" you at the meeting this week and hopefully
everything will work as it should. ;)