I'm doing a perf test using
grizzly-http-servlet-deployer-1.9.17-SNAPSHOT.jar with the sample
application grizzly-comet-chat.
I start the server by
java -jar grizzly-http-servlet-deployer-1.9.17-SNAPSHOT.jar -p 8181 -a
target/grizzly-comet-chat.war --cometEnabled=true
The server is taking around 1 GB of heap space on 2000-3000 concurrent
clients which I feel is a little high.Or is it expected to work like this?
I used Java VisualVM and took a heap dump. I have attached the screen shots
of the same.
In the heap dump I can see a byte[] which itself takes around ~17MB per 100
connections and remains constant.Can we optimize this some how?