Jeanfrancois, thanks! It looks like it's working now. I'm using grizzly-cometd-bayeux-1.9.17-SNAPSHOT w/ glassfishv3 Preview. There is a small issue where sometimes the server message doesn't always seem to appear in the chat when I refresh the page, it just seems to get lost sometimes
Subject: Bayeux Servlet Client
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 09:48:40 -0400
I've downloaded both the cometd bayeux example (with and also Shing's cometdmsgtest example, and I just cannot get them to work correctly. The bayeux client to client code works fine, but whenever I try to communicate from servlet to client it will not work correctly.
I'm using glassfish v3 prelude, and netbeans 6.5.1. I believe it's the same problem encountered in this thread:
To give some more detail:
The cometdmsgtest worked when I first tried it, but the server message would not be displayed on the echo-client until an action occurred on the client (i.e. until i submitted a post) and then it would appear once the echo returned.
BayeuxExternalServlet server functionality did not work at all when I first tried it, and I had to change the private String channel ="/chat/demo"; to a contextPath variable assigned to config.getServletContext().getContextPath() + cometUrlPattern; with cometUrlPattern being "cometd". Then it exhibited the same functionality as shing's cometdmsgtest, i.e. it sent the message but would not appear until the client made a chat post.
Setting deliverResponse.setFinished(true); gives a method not found error, and I've tried older versions of the grizzly jars and they give the same error. Shing stated on his blog that deliverResponse.setFinished(true); does not need to be invoked anymore.. but if not then I'm not sure what the fix here is.
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