Re: grizzly-comet-webserver gets stuck sometime while processing request

From: Bongjae Chang <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 21:02:24 +0900

Hi Abey Tom,

Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce it in both rev.3321 and rev.3333(current svn).

I used GrizzlyWebServerDeployer in order to deploy grizzly-comet-chat.war and I think you did too.

When I have reviewed your dumps, maybe it seems that FixedThreadPool have been modified for your debug code.

So, would you please test it again in current svn version? And if it will be reproduced, could you attach the dump again cleanly?

Bongjae Chang

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeanfrancois Arcand" <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: grizzly-comet-webserver gets stuck sometime while processing request

> Salut,
> Abey Tom wrote:
>> Hi
>> Some times my server grizzly-comet-webserver-1.9.17-SNAPSHOT gets stuck
>> while processing the request.
>> Test Case Scanario:
>> The client i'm using is the sample application from the trunk, comet-chat. I
>> open a browser window(index.html) and then keep on hitting the refresh
>> button in the browser. The browser hangs(waiting for resource from server)
>> after some hits. Pls find the screenshot of browser.
>> stuck_request.jpg
>> I i'm using the latest trunk code (1.9.17-SNAPSHOT, rev 3321). I have tested
>> on my desktop(win XP 32 bit single core) and server class machine (4 cpu,64
>> bit, linux). The chances of reproducing the issue in SERVER is MORE than in
>> my desktop.
>> Please find the attached thread dump when the server is stuck.
>> stuck_threaddump.txt .
>> One (strange??) thing I have noticed is that if I put a sleep in as follows
>> I'm not able to reproduce this issue.
>> method DefaultThreadPool.execute(Runnable){
>> ....
>> if (running){
>> try {
>> Thread.sleep(5);
>> } catch {....}
>> workQueue.offer(task);
>> queueSize.incrementAndGet();
>> }
>> }
>> To debug I have added some sysout statements in the following parts.
>> method DefaultThreadPool.execute(Runnable){
>> ....
>> if (running){
>> System.out.println("DefaultThreadPool.execute()"+" ,
>> "+System.nanoTime()+","+Thread.currentThread().getName()
>> + " , Offer , "+ task);
>> workQueue.offer(task);
>> queueSize.incrementAndGet();
>> }
>> }
>> method FixedThreadPool.BasicWorker.dowork(){
>> .......
>> Runnable r = getTask();
>> System.out.println("FixedThreadPool.BasicWorker.dowork()"+" ,
>> "+System.nanoTime()+","+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" , Take , "+r);
>> if (r == poison || r == null){
>> return;
>> }
>> ......
>> }
>> Please find the sysout messages both in the normal case(not stuck) and stuck
>> case. I have the results in csv format.
>> Normal(not stuck) sysout messages :
>> normal.csv
>> Stuck sysout Messages :
>> stuck.csv
>> Here the number of invocations of the workQueue.take() and workQueue.offer()
>> in a stuck request will be less than in the case of normal request.
>> Kindly Look into this.
>> Please let me know if any other details are required to reproduce this
>> issue.
> Thanks. I've filled:
> to track the issue.
> A+
> -- jeanfrancois
>> Thanks,
>> Abey Tom.
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