I would like to announce a new project called:
Grizzly Servlet Container
which will now leave under
and of course :-)
Modules that will be part of the move will contains:
+ http-servlet
+ grizzly-httpservice
+ http-service-its
+ http-servlet-deployer
+ hudson-on-grizzly
The idea is to start a complete new project that can evolve on it's own.
The goal here is to pass the Servlet 2.5 TCKs as soon as possible so we
can claim we are compliant. Managers of the project will consist of
Hubert, Sebastien and myself.
ANYBODY interested to help on the design/roadmap/documentation, please
join then new project. Starting next week we will start design
discussions of where we are right now in term of design, and what we
want as the final product.
Please join the new community and help!
-- Jeanfrancois