Agenda (13h00 EDT, 10h00 PDT):
+ 1.9.x
+ Merging grizzly-sendfile project
+ Deprecated Grizzlet/MessagesBus modules
+ current state of the workspace
+ creating grizzly-servlet-container project
+ moving to
+ 2.0.0-M4
+ Around June 25
+ GA Mid July
+ Merging 1.9.x to 2.0.0
+ Round Table
+ Config for 2.0 (Justin)
+ JavaOne (Jeanfrancois)
+ HttpClient (Hubert)
+ GrizzlyWebServer (Jeanfrancois)
+ Grizzly LWS (Vijay)
> Toll free: 866.839.8145
> International: 865.524.6352
> Access code: 1157051
-- Jeanfrancois