Czarek Zadorocki wrote:
> Hello!
> I have recently migrated from Glassfish v2.1_02 (build b04-fcs) to v2.1
> b60e. It seems like comet context doesn't expire although setExpirationDelay
> method on CometContext object is invoked.
> Can anyone confirm that?
I've just tested it and for me it works. But I've used the latest
grizzly 1.0.29 from here:
Just add the jar in domain.xml like:
> <diagnostic-service capture-app-dd="true" capture-hadb-info="true" capture-install-log="true" capture-system-info="true" compute-checksum="true
> " max-log-entries="500" min-log-level="INFO" verify-config="true"/>
> <java-config classpath-prefix="grizzly-framework-http-1.0.29.jar"
and it worked. It also worked without but just to make sure can you try
that version? Can you share a test case?
-- Jeanfrancois
> Thanks,
> Czarek Zadorocki