First comment about Servlet auto-deployer

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 08:19:01 -0400

Here a comment that I received.

Is it possible to use a mixed approach?
I mean, use code to specify the port, context name, the web application
directory, some extra classpath and then start/stop the server.
I'm using this approach with Jetty/Tomcat/Resin embedded and I found it
quite useful.

In fact, I'm working on a project to be able to use different embedded
containers, for testing purposes, and those are the common things many
If I'm not mistaken, I could simply use the GrizzlyWebServerDeployer class
passing the appropriate parameters, but I'm missing the option of having
some extra classpath (not in WEB-INF/lib and not in the "launch classpath".

In any case, good job!

PD: For an example of what I mean, this is the code to use the Jetty


We can specify the port, we tough of adding a param to force the context
name and classpath. You still can pass classpath using java --classpath

but another param like that : -a hudson.war -classpath /lib/;/others_lib;

I could easily use the Loader with any WebServer, but I don't see why yet.
Jetty, Tomcat.. already load the web.xml (you don't have control on what
they are doing.. but it's there)..