Tom wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering how flexible we can be with changes to ServletAdapter.
> I've used it quite a bit now but have found it a little awkward as it
> seems that management of the Context shouldn't be its responsibility.
I see
> The previously mentioned WarAdapter sounds interesting; if I
> understand the this properly, would we have the opportunity to create
> a more abstract ContextAdapter and have WarAdapter extend it?
That's a solution we can explore.
> interest in embedding a Serlvet engine is to remove the need for war
> files altogether (I hate them!) and be able to provide customized
> 'convention over configuration'. As such, there is probably code that
> could be shared with a WarAdapter as they would only differ in how
> they obtain configuration for the environment.
We have'nt yet started designing the class but for sure if you have the
cycle I would be interested to see a patch/small design we can build on
top of it.
> Regards,
> Tom
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