Re: Grizzly production ready? ConcurrentHandler & scenarios

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:00:39 -0400


felixx wrote:
> Hi and thanks for your comments and for 1.9.9
> I want you guys to have a big hit at JavaOne so I'll take your word that the
> news will be good.
> Regarding the number of threads used to execute the handlers, I just feel
> that this way we play it safer and a bunch of lazy clients/weird network
> condition will not affect everybody. Also I would like the latency to be
> almost the same for everybody.
> I have 2 scenarios/apps:
> 1. small payload, under 1k, will try first streaming (I guess this is
> lighter for the server) for each client and fall back to long polling if the
> client/network doesn't behave;

That looks promising...but note that as soon as you long poll you may
start loosing message in between reconnection.

> 2. only streaming, payload can be big, 50-100K
> There are to many variables so i'll stop here. So short story do you think
> having a bigger treads pool would help? 100-200 are not so expensive in
> terms of memory & switching and if it helps to play it safer, why not?

Here you means the thread pool for accepting request or pushing request?
Take a look at:

I agree 200 is not expensive, but depending on what your application
does it may not be optimal. Are you writing large chunk?



> Jeanfrancois Arcand-2 wrote:
>> Salut,
>> felixx wrote:
>>> Salut et merci, I have to say you almost convinced me :-)
>>> 1. Can you share some results please, just to get an idea, not details.
>>> What
>>> I'm trying to achieve is not so big. Let's say 5000 long poll connected
>>> clients, 2000 sent messages/s (I.e. 1 msg sent to 2000 clients).
>> I need to ask my co-speaker as we were planning to do a big hit during
>> JavaOne :-). Probably yes :-)
>>> Is it true that their solution is close to what is considered to be added
>>> in
>>> servlet 3.0?
>> No, Servlet 3.0 is a complete re-think of Comet. Nothing from
>> Grizzly/Jetty/Tomcat has been re-used. The new Async features build on
>> top of the preliminary work done on those containers. The main features
>> is to be able to suspend/resume the response and to be able to dispatch
>> a suspended response to another resources. This is a subset of what
>> Grizzly Comet supports (but I'm pretty sure a lot of framework will
>> build on top of the 3.0 api).
>>> If detecting when the client is not present or able to receive messages
>>> anymore it's based on catching an IOEx when writing the response, based
>>> on
>>> what I've seen using Tomcat, I'm not sure how well this will work. To be
>>> really sure I would rather have a client timeout mechanism on the server
>>> to
>>> detect disconnected clients (check when the last ping event was
>>> successfully
>>> sent).
>> Right, this is how you need to do that right now (except with Grizzly,
>> who can detect a client close). With other, you need a thread that ping
>> the connection to see if it is still open or not.
>>> 2. I guess I was mislead by seeing in the examples the handler being
>>> created
>>> in doGet and by the doc saying: " ... Resume the Comet request and remove
>>> it
>>> from the active CometHandler list. Once resumed, a CometHandler must
>>> never
>>> manipulate the HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse as those object
>>> will be recycled and may be re-used to serve another request. If you
>>> cache
>>> them for later reuse by another thread there is a possibility to
>>> introduce
>>> corrupted responses next time a request is made. ... "
>>> So I should be able to cache it in client's session, attach the new
>>> Response
>>> in the nxt poll and then add it back to the context?
>> Yes.
>> I'll have to check the
>>> code to understand how it works. I think it would be useful to be able to
>>> add the handler to the context using a custom ID. I'm wondering what
>>> happens
>>> if I add twice the same handler instance.
>> The Handler will be invoked many times. But point taken...I will improve
>> the javadoc on that front.
>>> 3. I think this is explained in 2 now.
>>> 4. I need to understand how async http write would work. But anyway, just
>>> to
>>> use a brutal approach, do you see a problem in having a pool of 200-300
>>> dispatching threads just to be sure?
>> It really depend on what the application writes/payload. Can you
>> elaborate?
>> Thanks!
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand-2 wrote:
>>>> Salut,
>>>> felixx wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'm trying to decide on a Comet server side solution. My first
>>>>> preference
>>>>> would be to go GF V3 and Grizzly. However based on the existing issues
>>>>> list
>>>>> (475, 478, 479) I do have some concerns regarding the
>>>>> stability/maturity
>>>>> of
>>>> 475: bad test (just recently added, OS dependent failure)
>>>> 478: Javascript problem (and i'm quite bad with javascript)
>>>> 479: Maybe an issue with cometd in GF v3.
>>>> So nothing related to Comet (server side) :-). We lacked internal
>>>> testing for awhile (situation fixed now :-)). Grizzly Comet is stable
>>>> but true some minor release 1.9.x might introduce minor regressions).
>>>> If your looking at an immature but nice Comet Framework, look at
>>>> (shameless plug as I'm releasing 0.1 today :-))
>>>>> the Comet implementation. Here are some questions please:
>>>>> 1.Do you guys know/used the Grizzly Comet in a real production env. I
>>>>> know,
>>>>> small examples with a few clients would work but how about having 5000
>>>>> clients and 2000 messages/s? Has anyone tested/benchmarked such a
>>>>> scenario.
>>>> That will be the topic of my javaone session this year :-) ...yes we
>>>> have done some test with that but it really depends on the application
>>>> itself, long poll vs http streaming, etc. We have two automated
>>>> benchmark inside the workspace:
>>>> which can always be looked at. Of course they aren't real benchmark with
>>>> a real application.
>>>>> It would be unacceptable for us to have the app hanging or being
>>>>> unreliable
>>>>> (see the above issues) I've seen some references about GF performance
>>>>> but
>>>>> I'm referring strictly to the Comet side. Not easy to say it but, and I
>>>>> may
>>>>> be wrong, it looks like Jetty has been used in such scenarios, worked
>>>>> fine
>>>>> and seems more mature in this area.
>>>> Difficult to convince you here as Jetty was the first one on the market,
>>>> and at the time GlassFish was just moving from its "zero" to its "hero"
>>>> role :-). But the way Jetty handle suspend/resume cannot scale as every
>>>> time you suspend, it throws an exception and your Servlet ends up being
>>>> invoked twice. I like Jetty, but the way suspend/resume has been
>>>> implemented cannot scale IMO and the logic needed inside a Servlet
>>>> (double invokation) make the programming model complicated.
>>>> Not only that, but with Jetty you don't have any support detecting when
>>>> clients close connection (which can cause memory leak with some
>>>> application because of wasted resources), something grizzly supports.
>>>> Also the way information/message are pushed in Jetty has to be
>>>> implemented by the application itself, where in Grizzly you can easily
>>>> filter/throttle/push/cluster using the CometContext.notify() and
>>>> NotificationHandler. This is less work to do for an application's
>>>> developer.
>>>>> 2.Maybe I'm missing something here but is there a way to avoid
>>>>> recreating
>>>>> a
>>>>> CometHandler every time the same client reconnects for a long pool?
>>>> You don't have to recreate. Just re-add it to the list of suspended
>>>> response (CometContext.addCometHandler())
>>>> I would
>>>>> need a ConcurrentHandler type (with the internal event queue) and seems
>>>>> expensive to have for each poll cycle thousands of handlers being
>>>>> created
>>>>> and then dropped when an event has ocurred. Why not just being able to
>>>>> replace the embedded Response and keep the existing handler as long as
>>>>> the
>>>>> client is present?
>>>> CometHandler.attach() is for that. But you still need to invoke
>>>> resumeCometHandler followed by addCometHandler()
>>>>> 3.Here's a scenario I've seen using a different 'long polling'
>>>>> solution.
>>>>> Due
>>>>> to a network condition the server is not able to push the events and
>>>>> these
>>>>> are accumulating in the handler's queue. (not always the server is
>>>>> able
>>>>> to
>>>>> see right away that the client is not able to receive the events). The
>>>>> client has a mechanism to detect if ping events are received and if not
>>>>> will
>>>>> try again to connect. Now you will end having 2 handler for the same
>>>>> client,
>>>>> the old one with some events in the queue, also blocking a thread, and
>>>>> the
>>>>> fresh one. How can we handle this type of situations in? In a different
>>>>> system I used just to detect the situation, replace the Response and
>>>>> start
>>>>> pushing the content of the queue.
>>>> why do you think creating CometHandler are expensive? Event if they are
>>>> (based on your application), you can alway use the CometHandler.attach()
>>>> to recycle them. Did I misunderstood you?
>>>>> 4.Even with a ConcurrentHandler you may end having a lot of threads
>>>>> blocked
>>>>> because of slow clients. It looks like if you expect 5000 clients it's
>>>>> safer
>>>>> to use let's say 400 threads to execute the handler. Any comments on
>>>>> this?
>>>> It's up to your application to either:
>>>> + enable async http write in Grizzly (so no blocking thread) insid ethe
>>>> application (grizzly internal will handle the "blocking" for you
>>>> instead).
>>>> + define a "strategy" inside NotificationHandler to detect such slow
>>>> client and either discard them or park them inside a "queue" for later
>>>> write.
>>>> Note that the same issue will arise with Jetty :-)
>>>>> A lot of questions, I know. Again GF & Grizzly looks very promising,
>>>>> great
>>>>> work so far, I'm not just sure, and I need your help to convince
>>>>> myself,
>>>>> it
>>>>> is ready for a real life application.
>>>> You are welcome. We have multiples implementation inside and outside Sun
>>>> that build on top of Comet. One of them is our internal Sun IM
>>>> there is a possibility of ~30 000 users at the same time
>>>> using it :-)
>>>> Feel free to continue the discussion if I was unclear of if I missed the
>>>> point.
>>>> A+
>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>> Thanks!
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