Re: Problems with pipelining requests

From: Patrick Julien <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 15:43:09 -0500

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand
<> wrote:
> Patrick Julien wrote:
>>>> Add -Dcom.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.snoopEnabled=true and
>>>> send
>>>> the log here. But I doubt you will find http pipelining support with
>>>> Tomcat
>>>> (the parser code here is from them)...I think Jetty might work, but I'm
>>>> clearly not sure....
>> Wait a minute, that doesn't compute for me. Both glassfish and Tomcat
>> documentation refer to pipelining via the "maxKeepAliveRequests"
>> property.
>> You can see it in the documentation of Tomcat here:
>> and for glassfish, here:
> OK...http pipelining is not what I means :-) Http pipelining usually refer
> to the ability to sent multiple requests without waiting for the response.
> So you can send R1,R2,R3 in one chunk and then wait for un ordered response.
> I was under the impression you were talking about that behavior.

Yes, this is what I am talking about. Send 10 requests, then start
accepting responses.

> What you mean here based on the above link is the maximum number of requests
> a client can do on an open connection. The client does R1, wait for Res1,
> then Req2, wait for Req2, etc.

No, I really mean sending multiple requests and getting back responses
in one shot, if the documentation provided here means something
different, than it most certainly fooled me.

> Now I understand your issue. I think your request is invalid and Grizzly is
> waiting for more bytes. Is the snippet you wrote previously contains the
> entire request? I will try to reproduce the issue using that one and telnet.

No, as I said before, I am getting 2 to 4 responses then nothing from
the 10 requests. Just a long blocking read followed by a disconnect.

> A+
> -- jeanfrancois
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