Re: cutting up logical sets of bytes from data stream? (in 2.0)

From: John ROM <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:16:33 +0100

> >
> > I don't know offhand if such a thing exists in grizzly
> > (I apologize if it exists), and I admit, it's trivial to implement,
> > but small things like that which come up frequently when decoding
> > a binary protocol could be either refined or better documented.
> No, there is no such feature in Grizzly Buffer.
> Though, I think we can add similar feature it to our Streams
> implementation.
> What do you think, John?
Yes I was asking myself if through SmartCodecs the Reader API would become
obsolete because it requires more user effort . But in situations where you can't annotate
it helps. l'll soon publish what I've got.

> >

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