I have been able to create an HTTPS version of the GrizzlyWebServer class.
It is very straight forward, using SSLSelectorThread in place of the
SelectorThread. It works fine if I have only one alias defined in my
keystore and truststore files. However, if I have more than one alias in my
keystore and truststores It does not map to the correct alias. For example;
if I create a self signed certificate for www.testsite1.com in my
keystore/truststore , start the server, and then navigate in my browser to
https:// www.testsite1.com it works fine. Once I add a second self signed
certificate for say www.testsite2.com then only one of them is recognized.
By this I mean
https://www.testsite1.com might work fine, but
https://www.testsite2.com would complain that the certificate is only valid
for www.testsite1.com. It does not seem to find the alias for
www.testsite2.com . I am not sure if this is how it is supposed to work or
if I might be doing something wrong. Any ideas or suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
Mark Fix