Re: Grizzly 2.0 on Maven

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:15:44 -0400

charlie hunt wrote:
> Congrats on reaching this milestone!
> It's been a long journey since we first kicked off many of the ideas &
> abstractions we'd like to see in a more generalized Grizzly.
> For those who are not familiar with the "bear's" history ... Grizzly
> first started as an HTTP connector in GlassFish. After realizing its
> superior performance as an HTTP connector, we believed the Grizzly HTTP
> connector could be generalized into a superior performing "transport"
> independent of any protocol. So, a few of us got together and started
> to work ideas & abstractions for a more generalized Grizzly. One of the
> challenges we faced was that many folks had begun to build applications
> on top of Grizzly HTTP. As a result, we became concerned about backward
> compatibility. So, we first began with Grizzly 1.x which was is essence
> a refactoring of Grizzly HTTP where HTTP & protocol specifics were
> removed from what was then Grizzly HTTP, (note Grizzly HTTP still
> exists, but it builds on top of a refactored Grizzly). We had also
> started a parallel effort on some more generalized abstractions for a
> more generalized Grizzly transport which would be programatically easier
> to work & develop with. This more generalized approach would
> eventually become known as "Grizzly 2.0". As we learned from our
> experiences starting with Grizzly HTTP and the many enhancements (and
> mistakes) we made in Grizzly 1.x we rolled those into Grizzly 2.0. We
> also incorporated many ideas and suggestions from the community, (we're
> very thankful of the community suggestions & feedback!).
> So, Grizzly 2.0 is an attempt at arriving at a more generalized,
> protocol independent (really fast) transport. We also wanted to improve
> its usability via interfaces names and abstractions. I think Alexey has
> done a great job in leading the development of Grizzly 2.0. I'm looking
> forward to building some example client / server applications with
> Grizzly 2.0. I hope you are too! :-)
> Hey, maybe I should write this in a blog ... ;-)

+100000000 :-)

-- Jeanfrancois
> charlie ...
> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we started to push Grizzly 2.0 snapshots to Maven repository [1].
>> Thanks.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>> [1]
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