[Reminder] GAP -> Bug Submissions from Grizzly - 20 days to go!

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 20:20:13 -0400


A reminder that we have up to 100 GAP prizes for bug submissions.

We currently have only 23 submissions so that means 77 to go.

See [1]. Don't miss the opportunity to improve the monster and make
money! Here is some ideas (can be filled as bug):

+ write a non blocking http client
+ improve performance of the http web server
+ run MINA high level interface on top of Grizzly
+ write an http proxy
+ write a load balancer
+ Improve ByteBuffer management
+ Complete the Servlet Container (add listeners and request dispatcher
+ Remove Tomcat 3 from Netbeans, replace it by Grizzly
+ Write a maven plugin for the http module: mvn grizzly:run
+ Write tutorial on how to use Comet + GWT|DOJO|JavaScript| etc.
+ Improve Comet performance
+ Any good idea is welcome!


-- Jeanfrancois
