RE: Getting cometd Bayeux sample to work

From: Bjarki Bjorgulfsson <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:29:38 +0100

Hello all,


Sorry for the double post, I first subscribed to Nabble and sent those
emails to the list but I didn’t see my emails appear on the list. Then I
logged in with my account at and subscribed
from there and re-sent the emails thus the double post..


Anyway I got this sample working, it works if I open
http://localhost:8080/index.html but not if I open http://localhost:8080/
even though the form appears. There is one inconsistency from the jetty
comet example, there is no message when I hit the leave button but otherwise
it works the same.


- Bjarki B



From: Bjarki Bjorgulfsson []
Sent: 22. júní 2008 18:01
Subject: Getting cometd Bayeux sample to work


I’m having trouble getting the
/ to work. I have tried on 2 different Windows machine but nothing happens
at all in either case. Here is what I did:


1. Downloaded the chat example war from the above url,
2. Downloaded
3. Ran java -jar grizzly-cometd-webserver-1.8.0.jar -p 8080 -a
4. Opened http://localhost:8080/


Both machines are have jdk1.6.0_06 and jre1.6.0_06 with Windows XP
professional SP2. Is there anything special I’m doing wrong? I tried IE 7.0,
Firefox 3.0, Safari and Opera. I get the Cometd Chat form in all cases and
I’m able to enter my username and some text but nothing is displayed in the
chat div. Is there a tutorial on how to debug the cometd Bayeux grizzly


- Bjarki B