Re: ProtocolParser redux

From: Scott Oaks <Scott.Oaks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:10:20 -0500

+1 on making setContinuousExecution the default for protocol parsers;
I'd meant to mention that explicitly in my previous message.


On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 08:18, Erik Svensson wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> Now I finally have a working ProtocolParser and ParserProtocolFilter.
> To get it working was a journey of discovery and I found a strange thing or
> two.
> I wrote a a ProtocolParser, a ParserProtocolFilter and set it up like this:
> controller.setProtocolChainInstanceHandler(new
> DefaultProtocolChainInstanceHandler() {
> public ProtocolChain poll() {
> ProtocolChain protocol_chain = protocolChains.poll();
> if (protocol_chain == null) {
> protocol_chain = new DefaultProtocolChain();
> protocol_chain.addFilter(parse_filter); // the parser protocol
> filter
> protocol_chain.addFilter(xflow_handler); // the module that will
> do something intelligent with the created message
> offer(protocol_chain);
> }
> return protocol_chain;
> }
> }); // end overridden method
> I created a client (with grizzly) that sent 10 messages and the quit.
> I fired everything up and found that my server would only read one message
> and no more. I fiddled around and finally downloaded the grizzly source and
> started the debugger. The incoming byte buffer contained all 10 messages.
> The protoocl parser extracted the first message correctly and reported
> more_bytes_to_parse as it should to report that there were more messages
> that needed handling. To no avail. After a lot of tracing (the fun things
> you do on a Saturday evening in front of the telly with the kids singing
> along to the eurovision song contest) I found the following snippet:
> if (continousExecution
> && currentPosition == protocolFilters.size() -1
> && (Boolean)ctx.removeAttribute(ProtocolFilter.SUCCESSFUL_READ)
> == Boolean.TRUE) {
> reinvokeChain = true;
> }
> where 'continousExecution' looked interesting. Looking through the javadocs
> I found a method for setting it in DefaultProtocolChain. Changing my
> code above to the not-so-elegant:
> controller.setProtocolChainInstanceHandler(new
> DefaultProtocolChainInstanceHandler() {
> public ProtocolChain poll() {
> ProtocolChain protocol_chain = protocolChains.poll();
> if (protocol_chain == null) {
> protocol_chain = new DefaultProtocolChain();
> protocol_chain.addFilter(parse_filter);
> protocol_chain.addFilter(xflow_handler);
> ((DefaultProtocolChain)protocol_chain).setContinuousExecution(true);
> // ugly
> offer(protocol_chain);
> }
> return protocol_chain;
> }
> }); // end overridden method
> Now things works as it should!
> Now I'm wondering about this. Why isn't the procotol chain re-invoked by
> default if the byte buffer isn't empty? If we read again from the socket,
> the remaining bytes from before are still there (unless something/someone
> clears the buffer which means we lose messages) which means that we parse a
> message that we recievced in the previous read. This inevitably means that
> we will be behind on handling messages or maybe not handle some messages at
> all.
> I therefor propose that the default behaviour is as if continousExecution is
> true. PostExecute() could be rewritten to provide state information on
> whether or not the chain should be re-invoked and act on that.
> If that is not palatable, how about adding the setContinousExecution()
> method to the ProtocolChain interface?
> cheers
> /Erik Svensson, SIX AB
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