Java New I/O, Multiplexing and Mixing/Splitting of Channels

From: Miroslav Nachev <>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:06:07 +0200


 I am writing my question here because I can not find another suitable
Mail list where are so familiar with Java NIO and in the same time
Grizzly project is very close to my question.

We try to realize in pure Java code Multiplexing and Mixing/Splitting of
Channels but the delay is too big and that's why we are looking for some
library or utility where this can be done faster using C language and
JNI. Can we use for that purposes Java NIO and how? Are such
capabilities provided in Grizzly project?

Some useful Real-time applications where the above technics are need are:
- Audio/Video Conferences;
- Voice/Video Recording/Tapping;
- Voice/Audio/Video Compression and Decompression;
- Echo Cancellation (Line, Acoustic).

Thank you in advance.
