we have again made good progress with the Project Grizzly. I would like
to propose releasing the 1.6.1 next Monday (10/01) so it gives peoples
time to test it and vote appropriately. If someone face any show
stopper, then I propose we should hold on until the issue is fixed.
Project Grizzly 1.6.1 is:
[ ] Stable
[ ] Beta
[ ] Alpha
[ ] broken, see issue [ ]
I'm an AjaxWorld until Wednesday (promoting the bear's monster :-)) and
then I should have time to test it. Project that we need to make sure
aren't broken include Restlet, Sailfin, GlassFish v3, RSS binding
component, Jersey, etc.
Any help will be appreciated :-) and feel free to speak if you think the
release needs to be delayed by any issues.
-- Jeanfrancois
Change log available here: