Can support async read/write be used outside of Comet?

From: Luiz Hamilton R L Soares <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:30:35 -0300 (ART)

  I'm working with Grizzly about two months. It is the core of a LBS Gateway here in Brazil. It is working fine and my code is very simple. I use
  Controller(), TCPSelectorHandler() classes and a filter, ReadFilter().
  Well, now I need to implement an Async Server so I can write to a client without a need to wait for a message. Nowadays I can send a message to a client only after my grizzly server receive a message from the client (My TCP server is working like a UDP server!!).
  I'm reading Grizzly ARP source code, but I can't understand how to use it in a TCP Server. There is an example of ARP, but it is for a HTTP server.
  Today I read an answer from Jeanfrancois Arcand in a discuss in this mailing list in 13 Jun 2007 where he was working with the Ericsson team who have requested async write to replace their NIO implementation with Grizzly.
  Anyboy know if JFA generalize the implementation so it can be used outside of Comet?
  Thanks a lot,
  Luiz Soares

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