Added some data in conclusion.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Bongjae Chang
From: Bongjae Chang <>
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:49:58 +0900
To: "" <>
Subject: Grizzly-Thrift benchmark results
I would like to share results.
I attached the pdf and test sources.
First, I used Grizzly's LeaderFollower IO Strategy in server side because
LFIS had a bit performance improvement than Woker Thread IO Strategy and
Grizzly's Same IO Strategy in only client side.
But I found that Netty had better performance than Grizzly which used WTIS.
So I also changed WTIS into Same Thread IO Strategy in server side and I
found that Grizzly is best.
It seemed that maybe Netty used the default IO logic like Grizzly's STIS
when I reviewed the netty sources simply.
In most of cases, Grizzly-thrift server and client modules were best. But in
small packets, TSocket client had better performances.
Bongjae Chang