Hi Rama,
thank you for the detailed description.
The only problem is that FF sends "gzip, deflate" and we compare the
entire string, when do lookupCompressionFilter instead of comparing
comma delimited one.
I'll fix this and let you know. Can you pls. file the issue?
PS: You see GZipOutputFilters, because one is registered for gzip,
another for deflate :))
On 03/05/2011 11:14 AM, rama wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i am trying to enable compression on http/servlet module, but i am facing some problem.
> basically the output isn't compressed :D
> let's start from the beginning
> On
> detectCompression() --> processorTask.java
> i notice a
> MessageBytes acceptEncodingMB =
> request.getMimeHeaders().getValue("accept-encoding");
> on firefox i got "gzip,deflate"
> now, goto
> lookupCompressionFilter(MessageBytes encoding) (same class)
> encoding is "gzip,deflate" (no parse to acceptEncodingMB are do on the lines before)
> on this function with some breakpoint i have see
> filter.getEcodingName().equalsIgnoreCasE("gzip,deflate")
> and, my filters are...
> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.filters.GzipOutputFilter_at_57ee026e --> getEncodingName "gzip" (not equals)
> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.filters.GzipOutputFilter_at_4b9cee52 --> getEncodingName "gzip" (not equals) (why i have two objects there? strange...hash of this objs are different)
> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.filters.LzmaOutputFilter_at_2ad67f82 --> lzma (not equals)
> void
> chunked
> identity
> this is the configuration of GWS
> GrizzlyWebServer gws = new GrizzlyWebServer(Config.getInt("www_port"), root.getAbsolutePath());
> gws.getSelectorThread().setCompression("on");
> gws.getSelectorThread().setCompressionMinSize(1024);
> gws.getSelectorThread().setCompressableMimeTypes("text/javascript,text/css,text/html");
> gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(new ServletAdapter(new JspAdapter()), new String[]{"/*.jsp", "/*.css"});
> gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(new StaticAdapter(), new String[]{"/"});
> Let me finalize my question
> 1) due to missing filter, the compression isn't working as i expect.
> 2) why i have 2 gzipoutputfilter ? that's sound strange (but maybe is totally normal, i haven't crawl on the code enough)
> 3) why "accept-encoding" isn't splitted and then parsed?
> have a nice weekend!