On 1/3/11 8:14 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> I added logging statements at various points in admin console adapter
> and installer thread. Here's what I got:
> ***** 09:52:40.0944: Application is not yet loaded.
> ***** 09:52:40.0945: Force REST module load
> ***** 09:52:40.0947: Starting installer thread
> ***** 09:52:40.0954: InstallThread.install()
> ***** 09:52:40.0956: building ConfigCode
> ***** 09:52:40.0957: Getting server
> ***** 09:52:40.0957: Applying changes
> ***** 09:52:41.0668: Changes applied
> ***** 09:52:41.0671: Getting ApplicationRef
> ***** 09:52:41.0672: Process application
> ***** 09:52:42.0346: Application is not yet loaded.
> ***** 09:52:59.0675: Application processed
> The 'Process application' and 'Application processed' entries show the
> greatest difference. Those messages came from these lines of code:
> adapter.logTime("Process application");
> habitat.getComponent(ApplicationLoaderService.class).processApplication(config,
> ref, log);
> adapter.logTime("Application processed");
> That one line of code took 18 seconds. There may be other hot spots
> (I'm still looking and tracing), but that seems like a good one to
> look at.
I think this initializes the web container, then loads the admin-ui web
app and as a side effect initializes JSF...
Any timing on security or REST web requests when secure is on? We could
possibly optimize something there?