Hi Kostas,
if you have access to the SelectorThread object - you can adjust the
timeout by calling
selectorThread.setTransactionTimeout(long timeoutMillis);
On Jun 12, 2010, at 1:22 , Konstantinos Koutsopoulos wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using jersey on top of Grizzly 1.9.15 and have a REST interface
> for collecting
> requests that are processed and distributed to the appropriate
> endpoints using
> a different protocol. My problem is that when I get a post request
> on the Jersey
> registered classes and the response takes more than 5 minutes to be
> sent back,
> which means that the connection with the REST client over grizzly
> has to remain
> open as long as the response is collected, I get this error 5
> minutes later that
> drops the connection with the client.
> com.sun.grizzly.http.KeepAliveThreadAttachment timedOut
> WARNING: Interrupting idle Thread: http9000-WorkerThread(1)
> And when the response is attempted to be sent, I get more exceptions
> since the pipe
> is broken.
> So, my question is if it is possible to adjust this 5 minute period
> according to the
> application requirements.
> Thank a lot for any support or hint.
> Kostas
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