I mentioned this already on Justin Lee's blog (
http://www.antwerkz.com/glassfish-web-sockets-sample) but I haven't been
able to get the websocket chat sample to work with the latest Glassfish 3.1
(downloaded June 2nd).
First I tried to just re-create the needed files from the information on his
blog and when that didn't work out I just downloaded the latest grizzly and
built the entire thing copying the websocket chat sample WAR to the
Glassfish autodeploy folder. Although much better looking than the version I
threw together the result stayed the same. A strange error from Chromium
about needing a helper application (see attached image).
It's not a problem with Chromium as far as I can see because many of the
sample on the net function without any problem, as well as samples that I
have running locally using jWebsocket and Jetty.
PS: Just curious, but the Websocket implementation that Jetty uses (a
WebSocket is a subclass of HttpServlet) seems conceptually a bit simpler
than the way it's done in Glassfish (using both a WebSocket and a
WebSocketApplication). Any particular reason as to why?