Hi :
One correction on "The tricky parts of above processor polling are :"
Ming Qin
Cell Phone 858-353-2839
--- On Wed, 3/3/10, ming qin <mingqin1_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
From: ming qin <mingqin1_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: Grizzly 2dot0 : Smart String Filter with Multiple String Terminator Symbols
To: dev_at_grizzly.dev.java.net
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 12:06 AM
another intended string request is started with started
symbol-“listenMusic” and ended with terminator symbol “\r&*ABC”
Feature of SmartStringFilter
Grizzly 2dot0’s Processor will be driven by SmartStringFiltor to
constantly polling a Channel to read bytes till whole intended string
request is read into memory-Grizzly CompoisteByte
The tricky parts of above processor polling are :
string request has unique starter and terminator symbols.
String requests
are not flowed into server in unpredictable order.
Ming Qin
Cell Phone 858-353-2839