buffersize fields in ans

From: ming qin <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:23:09 -0700 (PDT)

Oleksiy Stashok:
  In Gizzly 2.0.0-M1, when a TCPNIOTransport is created,  default read buffer and default write buffer are defined as DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE= 65536 and DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096.  Those two attributes of TCPNIOTransport dominate buffer sizes for read and write operations with socket channels without blocking.   Based on above observations, it seems bufferSize fields in both and AbstractStreamWriter,java are irrelevant to  buffer operations with socket channels.    Can we get ride of buffersize  fields in both classes?      By the way,  Can you elaborate rationales of defining DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE as 65536 and DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE as 4096?  

Ming Qin
Cell Phone 858-353-2839