Re: caching of old cometcontexts ?

From: gustav trede <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 14:43:53 +0100

2008/12/19 Oleksiy Stashok <>

> Hi Gustav,
> I completely agree with your concerns.
> The possibility of minor performance improvements here comes with the price
> of currently unhandled risks.
> The cost of new instance should be compared to :
> cometContext.recycle() cost. clearing structures out with their is not a 0
> cost.
> ensuring a max cache size.
> the cache handling in general has overhead handling its own concurrent
> datastructure.
> check of individual cometcontexts data structure sizes, should an context
> that had 1000 handlers be cached, whats the probability that the next topic
> need that ?.
> possible use of weak / soft references can help regarding the memory usage
> (this is perhaps not needed here , just a general consideration for all kind
> of caches )
> If we use cache, with limited size like BlockingQueue classes - it means we
> always pay synchronization cost.
> The caches, where we don't limit the size at all - are faster (like
> ConcurrentLinkedQueue), but here we come to possible problems with
> uncontrollable cache growing.
> I don't know details about CometContext complexity and amount of memory we
> allocate for it. But for sure it's worth to be investigated.

its in practical terms unlikely to become a problem.

your servant
 gustav trede
coding is art - not only something that  bring food on the table,
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