Re: Asynchronous Request Processing with TCPIP
>>>> @@ -209,8 +217,8 @@
>>>> copyContext.ioEvent = ioEvent;
>>>> copyContext.asyncQueueReader = asyncQueueReader;
>>>> copyContext.asyncQueueWriter = asyncQueueWriter;
>>>> - copyContext.asyncQueueReadable = asyncQueueReadable;
>>>> - copyContext.asyncQueueWritable = asyncQueueWritable;
>>>> + // copyContext.asyncQueueReadable = asyncQueueReadable;
>>>> + // copyContext.asyncQueueWritable = asyncQueueWritable;
>>> Is this a typo?
>> I have it in my trunk and forgot about it. Please see post :
> You are right. Can you file an issue? Alexey, I think we need to fix
> that!
Done :)
Thanks, John!
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Here I recommend we add logging with level set to FINEST. We
>>> should see, when logging turned to FINEST that a Context wasn't
>>> recycled.
>> Yes this is very important, forgot about this.
>> Many Greetings
>> John
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