[moving to dev]
Dan Dubois wrote:
> Hi,
> Still looking at the threading implications of CometEngine, I cannot
> figure out why notificationHandlerClassName is a static variable. I am
> sure there must be a reason, I just cannot see it. It is just that,
> the implications for making the getter and setter thread safe are
> greater and in my opinion not as elegant as if they were not static.
That's a left over from Grizzly 1.0 in Glassfish, were this was invoked
via a passed -Dproperty. I agree with you we should get rid of it and
use the normal set/get.
-- Jeanfrancois
> Should this conversation be moved to the dev list?
> Best wishes,
> Dan
> On 08/07/2008, Jeanfrancois Arcand <> wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Dan Dubois wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> The only other public thread safety problem (I have not studied the
>>> less public methods) I can see is with
>> CometEngine.setNotificationHandlerClassName(String
>>> aNotificationHandlerClassName) which can be called at the same time
>>> CometEngine.register is accessing the variable.
>>> I was also thinking about the synchronized keyword solution and was
>>> wondering what you thought about the following:
>>> 1) Get rid of the CometEngine.getEngine() lazy instantiation and just
>>> having the CometEngine as a private final static instance. This will
>>> allow you to get rid of the synchronized keyword in front of the
>>> getEngine() method I believe. I am sure this method is called a lot.
>> +1
>>> 2) Use something like a ReentrantReadWriteLock for the problems with
>>> synchronization of the register and
>> setNotificationHandlerClassName
>>> methods. In my use case most of the time I call register will only be
>>> to read from activeContexts to return an already created context which
>>> can be done concurrently without having to block the entire register
>>> method.
>>> Anyway, what do you think?
>> +1
>> I am happy to investigate further if this
>>> is a route you want to go down and post a patch on the issue.
>> I'm ready for a patch :-). The Comet works really needs to be improved and
>> any patch will be quite appreciated! The documentation is far from perfect
>> (for the code itselfs) so feel free to ask questions if you found something
>> that looks ugly/strange (quite possible!)
>> Thanks!
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Dan
>>> On 07/07/2008, Jeanfrancois Arcand <> wrote:
>>>> Salut,
>>>> I've filled:
>>>> to track the issue. I will start adding synchronized but if you have a
>>>> patch, just attach it to the bug.
>>>> Many thanks!
>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> Dan Dubois wrote:
>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>> I want to use CometEngine.register in my servlet doGet request.
>>>>>> However looking at the source code v1_8_0_1
>> (
>> <>)
>>>> I believe that CometEngine.register is not thread safe. Do you agree
>> with
>>>> this?
>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> The reason I bring this up is because I can see quite a few use
>> cases
>>>> where one would want to register a CometContext in a multithreaded
>>>> environment, for example in a servlet event. Do you agree that it might
>> be
>>>> good to either document the lack of thread safety of make is threadsafe?
>>>>> I fully agree. Since you looked at it, can you point me to the other
>>>> place? Or better, send me a svn diff :-) :-) :-)
>>>>>> The main reason I am taking time to comment is because I think
>> Grizzly
>>>> is excellent and want to help it get even better.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>> Dan
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