Hi John,
I've updated the samples. Many Thanks!!
I've added a new Main.java that automatically start Example_1 client and
server. You can test it by doing:
java -jar java -jar grizzly-framework-samples-1.8.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Next step is to either write a blog or a tutorial we can associate with
your great work.
Many Many thanks for the contribution!
-- Jeanfrancois
John ROM wrote:
> Hi Jeanfrancois,
> attached you find an update of CustomProtocolParser.java.
> Could you please delete AbstractCustomProtocolParser.java
> Actually it is a complete Client Server Example using a Custom Protocol
> build with Grizzly Framework.
> For a "silly" Demo see Example_1_Server.java and Example_1_Client.java
> Behind the scenes a Custom Protocol is implemented which is a little bit
> like GIOP (laugh just some ideas which led to RequestMessage,ReplyMessage,FragmentMessage)
> For Client Server Communication only one open Connection is needed. A client inits
> a Connection (firewall friendly) but the server can send messages at any time to any client.
> All writes are done with AsyncWriter which means that always a full message is send
> from Endpoint to Endpoint
> But since Message Size is fixed 8192 bytes, bigger logical data gets fragmented to
> FragmentMessages the Connection should be very responsive.
> The fixed 8192 size also should be nice to memory when large data amounts are send.
> Hopefully this protocol and supporting classes are general purpose enough
> so that somebody needing such a protocol can easly plug into the samples
> I tested the classes and everything works but still have some work todo.
> (for example your favorite theme avoiding memory leak when attaching to selectionKey,
> further docs,ssl,nicer examples, something like suspendableFilter)
> Many Greetings
> John
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