Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2007

From: charlie hunt <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:39:30 -0500

Agenda / Meeting Minutes :

> 1.) Grizzly integration with GlassFish ORB, any issues? (Harsha)

Currently has one unit test case which causing problems. Also some
issues discovered along some confusion on the interaction between the
Controller, ProtocolChain, ReadFilter and ProtocolParser. Some higher
level abstract documentation describing the key components and how they
interact would be helpful for Harsha, (and others looking at Grizzly).

Action Item: Harsha to talk with Jeanfrancois about issues.

> 2.) Addl review comments on connection caching tutorial.

The two major reviewers have been fighting high priority fires and have
not had a chance to do a more thorough review.

Action Item: Charlie to provide this information to the author.

> 3.) SQE / NetBeans 6.0 tutorial, why 2 png images are not being
displayed (charlie)

We have gotten an update to the SQE / NetBeans IDE 6.0 tutorial. But,
from some reason two of the 'png' images do not want to be displayed
when viewed from the Project Grizzly web site. Those two images
display fine when looking at the document on a local file system. Might
be an issue with Project Grizzly's stylesheets?

Action Item: Charlie to ask Jeanfrancois and Kohsuke if they could find
the root cause. (Would welcome anyone else to take a look as well)

> 4.) Addl RFE for dedicated non-blocking channel & Selector per
thread (charlie)

The RFE which Charlie sent to the "dev" mailing earlier last week was
briefly discussed. This RFE would be beneficial to applications with a
small number of connections and has a strong need for performance. An
additional enhancement to the initial RFE was discussed which would
extend the configuration such that at some threshold of some number of
connections, the configuration would begin to migrate to a "shared
Selector" configuration where multiple SocketChannels would begin to
share Selectors which would allow the system to continue to scale.

> 5.) Collection of RFEs AI (Jeanfrancois)

Jeanfrancois was unable to attend the meeting. Nothing new here.

charlie ....
Charlie Hunt
Java Performance Engineer
630.285.7708 x47708 (Internal)