Re: Buildinga Proxy/Load Balacer (was Re: [ANN] Port unification now available in Project Grizzly)

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:47:37 +0200

I think we can avoid making changes to Grizzly 1.0.

As for DefaultReadTask:
You can set your own ReadTask implementation using System property [1].
This solution requires from you to overwrite default parsing algorithm.
And will look like this:

public class MyParsingAlgorithm extends NoParsingAlgorithm {
     * Return the full name of the class responsible for handling OP_READ.
    public Class getReadTask(SelectorThread selectorThread){
        if ( selectorThread.getMaxReadWorkerThreads() <= 0
                && !selectorThread.getEnableAsyncExecution())
            return SailFinCustomReadTask.class;

As for ProtocolInfo... If you're making your own implementation of
PortUnificationPipeline - nothing could stop you from extending current
ProtocolInfo implementation and adding several required fields.
This way you will not need any change to the current Grizzly 1.0

Hope this helps.


[1] com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.algorithmClassName

Ramesh Parthasarathy wrote:
> Yes, i could use the system property to configure my pipeline
> implementation, that takes care of changes to the pipeline,
> My changes also affected DefaultReadTask and the ProtocolInfo classes,
> would it be ok to make those changes.
> Thanks
> -Ramesh
> Oleksiy Stashok wrote On 10/03/07 10:06,:
>> Brrr....
>> Ramesh, looks like there is a way how you can set custom port
>> unification Pipeline, using System property [1].
>> In this case we can rollback to the variant you proposed, but instead of
>> patching existing code - just write your own PortUnficationPipeline
>> implementation.
>> Think it's the best way, as doesn't require any changes to Grizzly 1.0
>> and max. reuses your existing code.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>> [1] com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.pipelineClass
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>> Hi Binod,
>>> Binod wrote:
>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>>> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>>>>> Hello guys,
>>>>>> Ramesh, think it makes sense to extend current
>>>>>> PortUnificationPipeline by some SailfinPortUnificationPipeline and
>>>>>> add functionality you need there.
>>>>>> Next question is "how to plug custom port unification pipeline".
>>>>> >From code I see now, it's not possible in Grizzly 1.0, but making
>>>>>> small change to GrizzlyHttpProtocol class makes this possible.
>>>>>> Jeanfrancois, I know you're pretty conservative in making changes
>>>>>> to Grizzly 1.0 codebase, but think making port unification pipeline
>>>>>> pluggable is quite safe change, which will make Grizzly more
>>>>>> extendable.
>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> -1.
>>>>> Any changes to 1.0 is not allowed because it can break too many
>>>>> existing product (only bug fixes). The Sailfin team *cannot* make
>>>>> any changes to the 1.0 code base (this is an internal politic as well).
>>>> If the changes are in a backward compatible way, will that be
>>>> acceptable?
>>> Sorry, no.
>>> Grizzly 1.0 is easily extendable and you should stick with the
>>> existing interfaces....or move to 1.6 ;-)
>>> Thanks
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Binod.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> WBR,
>>>>>> Alexey.
>>>>>> Ramesh Parthasarathy wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi JeanFrancois,
>>>>>>> I tried to extend the PU mechanism in Grizzly 1.0 ([1]) and
>>>>>>> implement a
>>>>>>> way by which we can park the request (release the resources and
>>>>>>> keep the
>>>>>>> channel alive). Could you please review the changes, i have
>>>>>>> attached them.
>>>>>>> Briefly, i have just propagated the selectorthread through the
>>>>>>> protocolinfo object so that the callback handler can take the
>>>>>>> decision
>>>>>>> of canceling/registering the key back on the selector thread once the
>>>>>>> response is complete. Also i have refactored the DefaultReadTask
>>>>>>> so that
>>>>>>> the resources can be released appropriately.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote On 09/25/07 17:45,:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ramesh,
>>>>>>>> thanks for not having private discussions :-)
>>>>>>>> Ramesh wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi JeanFrancois,
>>>>>>>>> please find responses inline
>>>>>>>>> (ccied dev alias)
>>>>>>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ramesh,
>>>>>>>>>> removing mridul, adding Alexey. Can we have this discussion on
>>>>>>>>>> the dev alias? I'm sure a lot of peoples can collaborate :-)
>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi JeanFrancois,
>>>>>>>>>>> I looked at ARP code flow. The DefaultProcessorTask is
>>>>>>>>>>> always initialized (in AsynReadTask) and the
>>>>>>>>>>> AsyncProcessorTask is just a wrapper around the
>>>>>>>>>>> DefaultProcessorTask I guess it would be inefficient to
>>>>>>>>>>> initialize a processor task even before we know if we will
>>>>>>>>>>> actually be processing the request in the local container.
>>>>>>>>>> Yes, but I'm not longer following what you are trying to
>>>>>>>>>> achieve ;-)
>>>>>>>>> Our intention has always been to intercept a http request at the
>>>>>>>>> earliest possible oppurtunity.. If we had our implementation of
>>>>>>>>> Asynchandler and AsyncFilter, the only concern was that we will
>>>>>>>>> be doing the interception after some of the artifacts have been
>>>>>>>>> created (or initialized), which actually may not be required if
>>>>>>>>> this request was going to be forwarded and not processed locally.
>>>>>>>>>>> If we intercept the request at the AsyncFilter, would it be
>>>>>>>>>>> not expensive because we would be creating Processor tasks
>>>>>>>>>>> (which in turn intializes request, response...) for every
>>>>>>>>>>> request.
>>>>>>>>>> Ouf..and good you care about performance :-) I recommended PU
>>>>>>>>>> at the beginning of the project and that still applies :-) But
>>>>>>>>>> if you need to park connection, you just need to write an
>>>>>>>>>> AsyncFilter and enable ARP (only in that case) from your PU
>>>>>>>>>> Handler. So you take the ARP way only when required.
>>>>>>>>> Iam sorry , i did not understand this (still learning ARP :-)).
>>>>>>>>> Are you suggesting we still use PU pipeline along with our
>>>>>>>>> implementation of the ARP classes (asynchandler and
>>>>>>>>> asyncfilter). Would this enable the handler to control the task
>>>>>>>>> execution (park/resume).
>>>>>>>> ARP can be combined with PU. To enable ARP, you just call
>>>>>>>> SelectorThread.setAsyncExecution(true). Now a possible solution
>>>>>>>> for you would consist of writing your own AsyncHandler to decide
>>>>>>>> if the request needs to be parked or not. To recap, if you need
>>>>>>>> to park requests, you have four solutions:
>>>>>>>> [1] Extends Port Unification mechanism (like you already did) and
>>>>>>>> write your own way of parking the request.
>>>>>>>> [2] Extends Port Unification, programmatically configure ARP (You
>>>>>>>> can take a look at how openESB is doing it) to park only the
>>>>>>>> requests you are interested
>>>>>>>> [3] Extends ARP's AsyncHandler (you can replace the default
>>>>>>>> programmatically using the SelectorThread API)
>>>>>>>> [4] Write your own Pipeline Grizzly 1.0 (similar to the Port
>>>>>>>> Unification Pipeline). Inside that Pipeline, first detect if the
>>>>>>>> request has to be serviced locally or remotely. If locally, just
>>>>>>>> call super.addTask(). If remotely, get an AsyncReadTask and
>>>>>>>> execute it assuming you have written your AsyncHandler).
>>>>>>>>> Also right now ARP can be enabled by setting system properties,
>>>>>>>>> is there a programmatic way (API) for setting the ARP
>>>>>>>>> implementation classes on the selector thread.
>>>>>>>> Yes, you can configure the AsyncHandler, AsyncExecutor and
>>>>>>>> AsyncFilter from the SelectorThread.
>>>>>>>> Hope that help.
>>>>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>> Hope that help....
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>>> Mridul Muralidharan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I had plugged it into grizzly as part of the http processing
>>>>>>>>>>>> ... after the request has been read, and before invoking the
>>>>>>>>>>>> servlet container.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I was using what was exposed through grizzly (actually,
>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever was in daily builds then ... glassfish2 b54 or
>>>>>>>>>>>> thereabouts - grizzly 1.6 I guess).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mridul
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi JeanFrancois,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The requirements we have from the http proxy/clb in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sailfin are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Intercept every Http request at the earliest possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time, this would be using Grizzly 1.0, i don't think we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning to move to 1.6 on the server side.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Parse the request line and headers..
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Support a pluggable invocation model so that interceptors
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be invoked on the request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. The HA CLB (being one of the interceptors) takes a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing decision based on the headers and request line. It
>>>>>>>>>>>>> identifies the instance that needs to process this request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the action taken could be one of (5) or (6)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. This instance identified could be the local instance (the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> container in the same instance) in which case it has to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> treated like a normal http request to a glassfish
>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance... (nothing fancy needs to be done here))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. The instance is a remote instance in which case it has to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be forwarded to a remote instance, this would be using
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly 1.6 client APIs, the client channel has to be parked
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a new connection opened with the remote instance, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> remote instance might respond immediately or after some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time, so we need to asynchronously write data to the client
>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel whenever we receive the response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. We also have to support SSL from the http client to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> front end server, from the clb/proxy to any of the target
>>>>>>>>>>>>> instances internally , we would not be using SSL. Basically
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ssl off loading takes place at the clb and we only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> propagate the cert and auth information through http headers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (just like we do currently in the native-lb)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. Needless to say , the solution has to be scalable and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> performant :-).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please advice if using ARP is the best way to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> satisfy these requirements, and not PU.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Especially can (5) and (7), be satisfied. with ARP. Also the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> clb/proxy feature can be configuratively turned off (in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain.xml). Would it be possible to turn off ARP in such a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> case..
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ramesh, Mridul
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mridul, do you still have the code you did when you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extended Grizzly ARP. I know your final version is using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comet, but Ramesh is intersted about ARP and would like to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see your code, if possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh, checkout the JRuby module under Grizzly which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contains a very simple example of an ARP AsyncFilter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW I'm in Santa Clara this week for AjaxWorld and I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be in an out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi JeanFrancois,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please point me to the code (Sun Instant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Messenger) that uses ARP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pls note: I have not ccied dev_at_grizzly, because i though
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun Messenger code is not open source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ramesh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently you can propogate a custom data using Context
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes. Is it enough?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, should be enough in 1.6.1... ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't think about possibility to dynamically switch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protocol during connection lifecycle. But think it's not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a problem to add this feature.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It depends on which life-cycle do we choose to associate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a handler, it could be for the lifetime of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selectionkey or it could be for the lifetime of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request. Thats why i propose to leave this to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler itself so that the design is flexible. We could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add another attribute in the PUProtocolRequest through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which we can propagate whether or not to map the handler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back to the key, and this can be set/reset by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler itself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any specific usecase?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes , if we are implementing a http proxy behavior in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the handler, where we are going to forward the received
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bytes to another server, then after we have sent the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entire data, we just have to wait for the response from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the server, IMO it is inefficient to just wait and block
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the handler until the response is received from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server, we could register a callback to handle the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> response when it arrives, but if we returned from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler we have to ensure the channel is kept alive so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the response can be sent back on it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that case you should explore Grizzlly ARP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Asynchronous Request Processing) [1]. This extension was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> done exactly to support that use case. Port unification
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not the place to implement such feature IMO, as it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role is to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Find the protocol
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Redirect the request to the proper endpoind.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In you case, you should 'leave' the Handler and enter the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly ARP mechanism (like Comet is doing. You can taste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it by playing with the Sun Instant Messenger tool
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internally. It use ARP/Comet to park requests).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is why it would be good if we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate out the readkey registering from the keepalive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logic so that we can just keep the channel alive without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registering a OP_READ. We should be able to register a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OP_READ once the response has been written back completely.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comet[2] is the solution, not Port Unification IMO.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Ramesh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ramesh Parthasarathy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to write a doc on how i have used PU, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it might take some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time , so here are some initial thoughts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It could be very useful! Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Though the Finder and the Handler are meant for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific purposes,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ProtocoInfo/PUProtocolRequest (or the Context in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly 1.6.1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> object is the only standard means of sharing data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between them, it would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be good if we could propagate custom data from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finder to the Handler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so that we dont have to redo work we might have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already done in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finder. This custom object could be propagated through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ProtocolInfo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or any other means.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently you can propogate a custom data using Context
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes. Is it enough?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. The logic in the PUpipeline/PUFilter that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> determines whether the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finder has to be invoked. If i understand correctly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for a selection Key
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oncer the Finder returns with a protocol, we create a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> map of the key and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the handler and this holds good until the key is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> valid/channel is alive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, any further data that is read on that channel will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> invocation of the same handler. For e.g the data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could be more data for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same http request or it could be a new http
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request on the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel (if keep-alive). I guess it would be good if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we allowed the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler to control the association of the key and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler, so that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logic of determining whether the finder is invoked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the next chunk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of data can be controlled by user logic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmm. I was looking at port unification as mechanism how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newly accepted connection could be classified and in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> future it will be processed by certain (single)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ProtocolHandler.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't think about possibility to dynamically switch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the protocol during connection lifecycle. But think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's not a problem to add this feature.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. The handler basically has to keep the channel alive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (return true),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until it is done using the channel. There may be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> circumstances where the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler is finished reading the entire data from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel, but it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting (for some async event) to write more data into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the channel. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a case the channel has to kept alive (else the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancelkey closed the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel) . And if the channel is kept alive the key is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OP_READ ? Is there a way we can keep the channel alive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and indicate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow to the selector thread we are not expecting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any data to be read
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as of now... Iam not sure if this is possible in 1.6.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sorry, i havent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gone through the 1.6.1 code in detail) , but it was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certainly difficult
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 1.0.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're right, in 1.6.1 PU works the same way. PUFilter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be usually added after the ReadFilter, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ReadFilter, by default, reregisters connection for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading when postProcess is called.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But again if it's required - we can think about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility to avoid reregistering on OP_READ.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have any specific usecase?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WBR,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexey.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please correct me if any of my observation is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote On 09/19/07 18:02,:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kudo to Alexey, the Grizzly's port unification[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used by GlassFish v2 (Grizzly 1.0) is now available
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a sub module in Project Grizzly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port unification allow any server base application to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support more than one protocol using a single
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tcp/udp/tls port. As as example, GlassFish v2 by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default listen on port 8080 for http, https and Soap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over tcp requests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any volunteer to writes docs or tutorial? :-) :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port Unification is currently available with version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.6-SNAPSHOT and soon with 1.6.1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
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