Re: Tutorial Contribution

From: charlie hunt <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 15:56:33 -0500

Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> charlie hunt wrote:
>> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>>> Sven Reimers wrote:
>>>> Yes you were right. An updated version is available from the
>>>> updatecenter, where you originally got the plugin from.
>>>> Thank for pointing out the defect.
>>>> Hope it works for you now - nothing better than a satisfied and happy
>>>> customer ;-)
>>>> -
>>> Unfortunately it still doesn't work. After upgrading to the latest
>>> FindBugs plugin,
>>> I took a copy of my current CORBA development workspace, started NB 5.5
>>> under JDK 6u2, compiled the project, and clicked on FindBugs. I let
>>> it run for
>>> about an hour or so, but it still did not complete. All that
>>> FindBugs says is
>>> "FindBugs - [Unknown Progress-state] Java CORBA Development: codegen
>>> workspace"
>>> (the end of that is the current name of the project).
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ken.
>> Take a look at one of my latter notes to Sven. In particular:
>>> I had to increase the size of the Java heap specified for NetBeans
>>> IDE in NetBean's configuration file, <netbeans install
>>> dir>/etc/netbeans.conf. I had to increase the max Java heap size to
>>> -Xmx768m. It ran out of memory at -Xmx512m which is quite a bit
>>> larger than the default NetBeans ships with.
>>> I initially thought there might have been a memory leak in FingBugs
>>> some where. But, after I forced a Full GC after the FindBugs
>>> results were displayed, the live data in the Java heap shrank from
>>> 493m to 90m. So, I think that's pretty clear evidence that there's
>>> no memory leak.
>> The FindBugs module itself uses an awful lot of Java heap.
>> I had to configure a Java heap of -Xmx768m in order for it to
>> complete successfully.
>> The reason your experiment didn't complete is likely due to the Java
>> heap not being large enough and a never ending cycle of Full GC's.
>> This is not an issue with the Sven's FindBug's plug-in, it bug with
>> FindBugs itself.
> Could be. Here is what I have in $NETBEANS/etc/netbeans.conf:
> netbeans_default_options="-J-Xms100m -J-Xmx800m -J-XX:PermSize=32m
> -J-XX:MaxPermSize=250m
> -J-Xverify=none -J-Dapple.laf.userScreenMenuBar=true"
> Isn't that large enough? I can compile the project; but NB is hung in
> FindBugs.
> Unfortunately I can't attach jconsole to my NetBean instance to see
> what's happening.
> Thanks,
> Ken.

This is indeed very puzzling >:o

I just grabbed the update from the latest (internal) CORBA workspace.

I modified my netbeans.conf by quickly just changing previous set value
of -J-Xmx384m to -J-Xmx1g.

I did a Clean and Build of the project since I had new updates brought
into my workspace.

Then, I ran FindBugs. It completed in about 2 minutes. My Java heap is
currently at 660m. You can display a GC monitor icon in NetBeans by
doing View > Toolbar and checking the "Memory" box.

Btw, you can also add a -J-verbose:gc to your netbeans.conf JVM command
line and then launch netbeans from the command line. The output from
the -verbose:gc will go to stdout / stderr.

charlie ...

Charlie Hunt
Java Performance Engineer
630.285.7708 x47708 (Internal)