Re: [Fwd: Re: Performance comparision of Mina vs. java.nio ByteBuffer use]

From: charlie hunt <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:47:25 -0500

I don't understand what this person is "really" doing ...

"100 test loops" ??? Does that mean; 100 iterations of the loop were
run to extend the execution time, 100 iterations were done to warm up
the code, etc, etc.

Also note that a good (server) JIT compiler and JVM could easily reduce
this micro-benchmark into a no-op (a very close to a no-op) since
nothing is done externally with tBytes once it is gotten from buf.

I don't know how else to say this .... this micro-benchmark is just
plain poorly written to the extent that I don't think anyone should
believe the results it reports. It suffers from too many of the "how not
to write a micro-benchmark" symptoms.

charlie ...

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Performance comparision of Mina vs. java.nio ByteBuffer use
> Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 09:46:44 +0200
> From: Michael Bauroth <>
> Reply-To:
> Organization: Falcom GmbH
> To:
> References: <>
> <>
> Extending the test with Grizzly and after running 100 test loops of each
> method I have now correct results (not normalized):
> Loop: 100 Mina(avg.): 691 Nio(avg.): 669 Grizzly(avg.): 691
> Loop: 100 M (avg.): 699 N (avg.): 662 G (avg.): 686
> Loop: 100 M (avg.): 708 N (avg.): 670 G (avg.): 698
> Mina and Grizzly have the exact same values (used for Grizzly not-direct
> viewbuffers), pure Nio is naturally 3-4% quicker.
> Used Java 6 and Win XP as testbed.
> Best Regards
> Michael
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Charlie Hunt
Java Performance Engineer
630.285.7708 x47708 (Internal)