Re: [VOTE] Release Project Grizzly 1.5.0

From: charlie hunt <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 08:52:56 -0500

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> charlie hunt wrote:
>> Not that I have any objections to releasing Project Grizzly 1.5.0, I
>> do have a suggestion for us to run a static analysis tool such as
>> FindBugs against the source code base and also run the NetBeans
>> Jackpot Transformation Queries against the code base. The latter has
>> a set of "Effective Java" query rules and transformations in them.
>> I think we should do this before we release 1.5.0.
>> I can volunteer to run both of these since both of these are plug-ins
>> for NetBeans and can be easily run from NetBeans. I'm willing to
>> commit to having this done by next Monday.
>> I'll also provide some instructions on how to run these from NetBeans.
> +1
> Also this is probably something we can automate using Maven. I will
> read on it and see if I can run those tools everytime a binary is
> released.

Might something we could consider doing before each commit.

You'll probably be able to run FindBugs with Maven, but I doubt you'll
be able to run Jackpot.

If you run both FindBugs and Jackpot from within in NetBeans, a click on
the output will take you directly to the source code line in the IDE.
And, Jackpot will ask you if you wanna make the transformation, (i.e. no
need to type new code, it'll make the transformation automatically).

charlie ...

> Thanks!
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> charlie ....
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Please vote on releasing Project Grizzly 1.5.0
>>> Checkout the source:
>>> % svn checkout
>>> Build it using Maven 2:
>>> % cd grizzly/trunck
>>> % mvn
>>> The vote will run for approximately 72 hours (next Monday)
>>> Project Grizzly 1.5.0 is:
>>> [ ] Stable
>>> [ ] Beta
>>> [ ] Alpha
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
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Charlie Hunt
Java Performance Engineer
630.285.7708 x47708 (Internal)