Re: [Proposal] The Grizzly community: how should we work?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:22:57 -0500


Harold Carr wrote:
> Hello Jeanfrancois,
>> + Vote on every release, like the Apache folks are doing. This is
>> different from GlassFish where no votes occurs.
> I agree. Voting is good. It helps ensure quality.
>> + Release frequently, and mark the release as alpha or beta or stable.
>> I propose we start with 1.5.0.
> I agree. When you say mark - do you mean also in the file name of the
> download artifact?
>> + Branch release and never block the trunk.
> I agree. Got to keep the trunk moving (at the cost of needing to
> sometimes make changes in both branch and truck).
>> When voting, I would also like to allow non binding vote to count.
> What is a "non binding vote"

All non committers are allowed to vote. Right now it means all Observers
can influence the release as well.

>>> Communication is done via mailing lists.
>>> Voice communication is extremely rare
> Does this mean we would no longer have the Wed concalls?

No. I would recommend we keep the conf call (but open to external
folks). We just need to publish the minutes in that case.


-- Jeanfrancois

>>> The rules require that a negative vote includes an alternative
>>> proposal or a detailed explanation of the reasons for the negative vote.
> I agree - need constructive criticism/alternates - not just a NO.
> Regards,
> Harold
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