Re: [gfwiki] Please give a write permission to my user "easarina".
Hello Jamey,
It works.
Thank you very much,
Jamey Wood wrote:
> Hi Elena,
> Okay, your account should have write access now. (Note that if you're
> already logged-in to the Wiki, you'll need to logout and log back in
> for the change to be picked-up.)
> Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
> --Jamey
> Elena Asarina wrote:
>> I need to be able to update a page:
>> Please give a write permission to my user "easarina".
>> Jamey wrote:
>> "So if the user you're mentioning hasn't already done so, they'll
>> need to send a message to requesting
>> write access for their wiki account. "
>> Thank you,
>> Elena
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