Wikis at GlassFishWiki.ORG...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 16:09:43 -0800

[Note, copying wiki_at_GF]

Hi Senthil - Sridatta and I were talking about coalescing wikis,
forums, etc and we talked for a bit about GFW.ORG.

We talked about adding a new "web" wiki, for the web 2.0 technologies.
Also, I forget if I mentioned that the portal guys wanted a "portal"
wiki too.

So we have 4 wikis (plus NB).

  ... /portal
  ... /web
  ... /jbiwiki

  ... /gfwiki

We should try to keep a consistent name convention. Perhaps we should
drop the "wiki" suffix? (although in the case of the gfwiki we will
need to support it as an alternate point for backwards compatiblity)?

Also, Sridatta suggested making subdomains as alternates. So we would have => => => =>

What do you think?
        - eduard/o