Re: [gfwiki] Re: Owner & Future for Tips and Blogs page _at_

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 14:16:27 -0700

Hello Eduardo
The more times I look at your email, the more it looks like a proposal.

Before we go with that, some opinions/thoughts :

    * Anything other than plain wiki is resource intensive and I think
      we dont have such luxury.
    * What content can move to the wiki is another big question, as many
      articles/blogs are older than 6 months (would people read stuff
      from beyond a certain period of time?)
    * Searching function could come from JSPWiki if it can support
      category/subcategory searches, if not then I would readily go for
      embedding Google site search. I dont see any harm with this.
    * Could you ask Abhijit if Senthil will be available for fine tuning
      category/sub-category search for JSPWiki?
    * I am all for folding GlassFish Extras, How-to instructions,
      Samples, Screencasts, and Presentations into one Hub Page for
      Users called (possibly) GlassFish User Resources. Other name
      suggestions are welcome.


Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> OK.
> Shreedhar, could you put together a proposal on how to treat HowTo
> entries in the GF wiki? I think we should compare with NetBeans and
> places like Mozilla.ORG.
> Some possibilities are:
> * a custom JSPWiki plugin backed with XML files or a JDBC-based entry
> * XML + CSS
> * Plain old Wiki entry
> Effective search and browsing are important.
> It needs to be very easy to enter new entries; once this is ongoing we
> want to have multiple people being able to update the repository.
> Thanks,
> - eduard/o
> Nazrul Islam wrote:
>> Eduardo,
>> I think Carla started the page. I helped her also to make sure that
>> there are some content out there initially. After Aquarium, that
>> became less of an issue. I saw the new wiki page. I also vote for
>> organizing the information so that it is easy to find. Perhaps we
>> should allow individual GlassFish blogers to add the links after the
>> template is set. Then, this page maintained by the community.