GF Wiki - Can't access LeftMenu

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 20:20:34 -0700

I cannot edit the LeftMenu; the wiki claims I don't have enough rights.
  I think it started happening today.

The message says:


Sorry, but you are not allowed to do that.

Usually we block access to something because you do not have the correct
privileges (e.g., read, edit, comment) for the page you are looking for.
In this particular case, it is likely that you are not listed in the
page’s access control list or that your privileges aren’t high enough
(you want to edit, but ACL only allows ‘read’).

It is also possible that JSPWiki cannot find its security policy, or
that the policy is not configured correctly. Either of these cases would
cause JSPWiki to block access, too.

Better luck next time.