Please change the page name for "Minutes" of User Expererience on Load Balancer...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 21:53:05 -0700

Hi Satish, Jagadish, Nazrul, Vince --

I think we need some conventions for the name of the WIki pages that
keep the minutes for the User Experience meetings. I propose names of
the form UE<FOOBAR>Minutes. This is consistent with the name chosen by
Harold. I've renamed the minutes for...

LB Balancing Administration. From "Minitues" to "EULBAdminMinutes"
Connection Pool Features. From "Minutes" to "EUConnectionPoolMinutes"
Harold's stays as "EUWSITMinutes"

Satish, you will need to update your blog at the same time to point to
the new place?

        - eduard/o