Example: Fedora News...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 13:11:41 -0700

The Fedora News is using a Wiki [1], and I think we should be able to do
something like that for the GlassFish Wiki. It should be very
lightweight and should be able to reuse the investment we take into

Since JSPWiki supports plug-ins, there may be furthre automation that
could be done. Right now we are too busy bootstrapping ourselves, but
I'd like us to consider this in a few weeks. I did a first cut [2] when
preparing for GF V2 M1 but decided to wait and i ended up doing only the
M1 higlights [3].

Note that Fedora produces localized versions of the Newsletter,
including a podcast in english.

Back to this topic in "the near future"...

        - eduard/o
