I'll try to pay attention to what I'm doing exactly. I guess my ideal
behavior would be to log me out and leave it at that. Instead it forces
me to reauthenticate, even while I'm just browsing, not editing.
- eduard/o
Senthil Chidambaram wrote:
> Eduardo,
> I've increased the session timeout to 60 mts. now. If you still see this
> behaviour, I think I've to upgrade to another stable bits of JSPWiki.
> I'll keep watching, and check with other JSPwiki users.
> thx
> Senthil
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> I find the "stale session" behavior quite annoying. Specially because
>> often it seems to take quite a bit of time to get me back to the login
>> prompt.
>> Am I the only one seing this behavior? Do we know what is happening?
>> - eduard/o