
Re: FW: Glassfish 4.1

From: David Delabassee <david.delabassee_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:20:41 +0200


Unless it's realted to the web tier (which is hard to tell because
there's no detail), you should ask this kind of question to the
glassfish user list (users_at_glassfish.java.net).
In any case, if you want to get some suggestions, you should really
provides more details on your issue and environment(s).


On 13/10/14 09:13, Omer Aleem wrote:
> Hi,
> Why does my glass fish application runs fine locally but does not work
> full functionality outside the environment.
> For example either it gets slow when more than 2 users access it or
> the submitting of the time sheets like won’t work. But it works
> totally fine inside the environment.
> manaar final1 copy
> *Omer Aleem | IT & Technical*
> *Manaar Energy Group*
> Tel +971 4-3266-300|Fax +971 4-3366-363|Mob +971 56-1157-922|P.O. Box
> 192089
> Abu Dhabi|Baghdad | Basra |Dubai| Erbil