
SSO does not work on GF 3.1.2

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 06:14:36 -0500 (CDT)

Hi all, I have 2 applications under the same EAR and I want them to share a
unique authentication. Both have the same setting on web.xml as you can see
here: /stcont/web FORM realm-stcont /login.jsp /login.jsp?failed=true
Securing application /secure/* USER ADMIN MANAGER USER /stcont FORM
realm-stcont /login.jsp /login.jsp?failed=true Securing application /secure/*
USER ADMIN MANAGER USER But both applications are requesting authentication.
I'm out of idea about what else I can try, I think I tried everything that is
possible, I'm only missing the correct one to solve this issue. Please, any
idea is welcome. Thanks!

[Message sent by forum member 'gumar']
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