
Re: What is really happening to JSF ?!

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 11:34:10 -0700

In-Reply-To: What is really happening to JSF ?! on 17 August 2012
References: <listhandler=26&site=www.java.net&nid=889309&pid=0&cid=&uid=352211&tid=&d2069accd9fdd36824632f0c1eccabeb_at_www.java.net>
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Reply-To: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
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>>>>> Miss Duke said

MD> When Oracle acquired Sun there were rumers that Oracle was going to scrap
MD> JSF. Oracle has not yet created a certification exam for JSF, this is an
MD> important point to note.

MD> But, anyway, after a long delay, JSF 2.2 was scheduled to be
MD> released by the mid of 2012. Then it was again rescheduled to the
MD> end of 2012. It now seems delaying again. According to the schedule
MD> released here [1], Public Review should have been posted on JCP site
MD> by now, but it has not happened and nothing was said about the delay
MD> by anyone. We want to know what is actually heppening to JSF? Please
MD> let us know JSF will survive or going to the bin.

Thanks for your interest in JSF! The only bin JSF is going into is
possibly /usr/local/bin. But seriously, we're working on JSF full
steam! If you want to stay appraised of developments on the the spec,
you can follow @jsf_spec on twitter. This very low-bandwith twitter
account postts when there is something important to say about the spec.

A more detailed approach is to subscribe to the
users_at_javaserverfaces-spec-public mailing list. Visit
<http://jsf-spec.java.net/lists/> for a link. You have to join java.net

You are correct that we re-evaluated our schedule once again, this time
to include more HTML5 capabilities in the 2.2 spec. Here is an excerpt
from my mail to the EG on 27 July 2012. [1]

  You've no doubt noticed my .signature counting down the days until I
  deliver a snapshot of the Public Review Draft (PRD) milestone of the
  specification to this list. Well, that counter reached zero on
  Tuesday, and here is a draft of the specification, but it's *not* the
  PRD version.


  After looking into 1089-PassThroughAttributes and
  1111-PassThroughElements, I have come to the conclusion that HTML5 is
  almost as important to JSF 2.2 as Ajax was to JSF 2.0. Not quite as
  important, but still important.

  I'd like to see what you all think about adding enough time to the
  schedule to get 1111-PassThroughElements done correctly for JSF 2.2.

  I expect another two or three months should be enough, including time to
  tighten up the other loose ends.

So, we're not headed for the bin, but we are taking the time to get it

Thanks again for your interest,


[1] http://java.net/projects/javaserverfaces-spec-public/lists/users/archive/2012-07/message/24

| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/